If you are new in banking field and you are recruited as a cashier then there are certain things you should follow. It is obvious that a newly recruited bank cashier can easily be nervous by experiencing huge crowd and lot of money for the first time. The institutional training may be helpful for the theoretical part only. But in reality a bank cashier faces lots of challenges everyday. He/She not only has to handle the customers but also counts lot of cash correctly. There is no place for a single mistake. So the bank cashiers always need to be confident, agile and calm.
We have sorted out some Dos and Don’ts a bank cashier should follow specially when he/she is new in this job.
- A bank cashier should always be confident and mentally and physically fit before sitting inside the cash counter.
- A cashier must equip with all latest tools, softwares and a good running computer. Software like Cash Tally One is very helpful in notes calculation and keeping records of the cash inventory. Nowadays a good cash counting machine with fake notes detection ability is also necessary.
- In cash deposit operation, the cashier first takes the deposit slip and money from the customer. The other things like checking and entering can be done later on.
- In cash withdrawal operation, the cashier should check and enter the information into the system first. And after everything is done properly he/she should handover the cash to the customer at the very last step.
- He/She should also write the number of notes given to the customer with denominations behind the withdrawal slip or cheque before handing over payments. This practice should be followed no matter how experienced a cashier you are.
- The cashier should look into the screen once again (where the withdrawal amount is displaying), just before handing over the money to the customer. In this way the amount can be verified twice before given to the customer and the chance of error will be minimized.
- Attend one customer at a time. You might feel pressurized to do faster when you see a long queue forming in the front but take your own time. Remember,at the end,you have to make good the loss in case of any untraceable shortfall.
- When you are taking charge as a cashier,always verify the opening balance thoroughly.

- Do not leave the door of the cash counter open while leaving the cabin even for a short duration.
- Never leave your cash keys unattended to avoid unauthorised access.
- Try not to use phone while you are working atleast till the time you are well-acquainted with cash operation. Avoid talking to someone while counting cash,while handing over payments and accepting receipts.
- During withdrawals,always take care to debit the customer’s account immediately before handing over payments. Do not leave the payment entries pending for later.
- Before attending the next customer in queue,ensure that you do not have any cash of the previous customer on the table/counting machine .Similarly do not mix the cash of one customer with other cash unless you are fully satisfied that the customer has given you the right amount as mentioned on the deposit slip.
- If you are doubtful that a person has given you excess cash,do not return it to him right away with that uncertainty in mind. Instead take down his contact number. You should return the excess amount ,if any,only at the end of the day after your cash is tallied.
All these points are some precautionary measures a new cashier should follow. But as a cashier you may face other kind of problems as well. Whatsoever happens, be prepared for handling those problems efficiently.
- some points are written by Sruthi S. Iyer.