
How Cash Tally One is better than any excelsheet

1. Ability to clear block at once

In excel sheet, it is not possible to clear all the cells of a particular block at a time. For example, if we want to calculate the value of some notes by entering the note denominations in the fields, first we have to clear the fields. But we cannot clear the all fields at once in any excel or spreadsheet. To clear the fields, we have to go to each individual field by hitting Enter key or Up or Down Arrow keys and then clear the field using Delete key or Backspace key. But in Cash Tally One, we need to just go to the particular block and hit the CTRL+DEL key combo. It will clear all the denomination fields of that block at once and the block is ready for next calculation.

Clearing block at once
Date wise cash inventory management

2. Saving and accessing Inventory records date wise

If we wise to save cash inventory date wise in any excel sheet, we have to either make a copy of that excel sheet and save that by date or add a new sheet in the same excel file and rename that according to the date. Quite complicated !!!
On the other hand, Cash Tally One is specially designed to maintain our daily inventory in the simplest way. Here we can easily save and access our cash inventory using its inbuilt calendar function. Just choose the date from the calendar and get the inventory of that date instantly.

3. Keep important notes safe

While working, sometimes we need to take down some very important notes immediately. In excel sheet, we can save our important notes but that’s definitely not an attractive way. For that we have to use other note taking applications. Looking into the importance of this matter, we have introduced a note taking section inside the Cash Tally One application where you can keep your important notes safe anytime.

Save any important notes in the same app